در حال بارگزاری...



1 - She was able to quickly finish the task.

او تونست به سرعت کار رو به پایان برسونه.


2 - He was able to identify the correct answer without any difficulty.

اون بدون هیچ مشکلی تونست پاسخ صحیح رو تشخیص بده.


3 - He was able to hack into the system with relative ease.

اون تونست به راحتی سیستم رو هک کنه.


4 - He was able to swiftly complete the task.

اون تونست این کار رو به سرعت انجام بده.


5 - She was able to remain calm despite the stressful situation.

او با وجود شرایط استرس زا توانست آرامش خود را حفظ کند.


6 - He was able to ease into the water with great ease.

او توانست با سهولت زیادی وارد آب شود.


7 - She was able to obtain a competitive salary.

اون میتونست یک حقوق رقابتی(چشمگیر و قابل توجه) دریافت کنه.